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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2025

  • I have to correct you (sorry) when you say “dual-phase” because homes in Canada (my country) and the US don’t have dual-phase electricity and haven’t for many, many decades. What you are talking about is called “split-phase” and is actually just a single phase that’s been split using a neutral/return conductor.

    To actually answer your question, yes, it’s higher amperage and higher voltage. Every circuit breaker is really just a “tap” into the panel in order to create a parallel circuit at the applied voltage (usually 120V) and whatever amperage the breaker is rated for (after ensuring that you’re using the correct size of breaker, of course).

    The main reason why amperage is really important for larger appliances is because the cable used to plug them in (whether that’s by literally plugging it in or by hardwiring it into the panel) needs to be thick enough not to overheat from regular use. When precautions aren’t taken, it’s pretty easy for the cable jacket to melt (happens around 90 degrees C) and for the bare wires to eventually short and/or start a fire.

    Obviously, a 18A breaker would prevent this, but it would also prevent you from using the oven.

  • A gas (or wood) stove will, which is why they’re still common in rural areas that face power outages more frequently. Your comment is the first mention of furnaces.

    Personally, I use more than 2 burners pretty often. Honestly, it’s a bit of a waste of everyone’s time to debate whether or not a camping stove is a universal replacement for a gas stove since everyone has different needs. For the scenario I described, a gas stove is the better option.

    I would be pretty pissed if I had to use a camping stove instead of a gas stove during an outage just because. They’re totally different tools suited for different use cases and environments.

  • …You do know that an oven needs a dedicated outlet, yes? As in, if you don’t have a 30-50A receptacle in your home, one must be installed in order for you to have an oven. All new builds and most existing buildings have this dedicated outlet.

    Edit: I see that you’re using stove and oven separately. I am talking about a range (oven and stovetop combined), since where I live these are most common and “oven” and “stovetop” are roughly interchangeable. Apologies for any confusion.

  • As they should. Applications opened and yet we took in barely any and forced the application process to be grueling and confusing for no reason. We could have just taken them in. But no, we made them pay ahead of time, fill out forms, obtain familial sponsorship, travel with no support (financial or otherwise) to various places such as Egypt, etc.

    I read months ago that multiple people have been murdered while waiting to proceed to the next stage. It’s unconscionable that we allowed this and our failure here is yet another stain on Canada; we seem to be keen on collecting them, especially when it comes to Palestine.

    I hope they win the suit. The entire process is/has been disgusting to witness and people are still being left to die.