“If these devices were, as previously believed, implements in some sort of ancient ‘throwing game’, I can only assume this to be the result of a misguided attempt to play the sport on horseback or, heaven forbid, to teach the horse to play the game itself. Truly, our ancestors were a primitive people.”
Horseshoes would probably be pretty confusing, actually. Figuring out sans context that this weird metal crescent was supposed to be nailed onto an animal’s hoof would be a feat on its own, but add on people hanging them up as decoration out of superstition or just, like, throwing them, especially in places where there aren’t any damn horses, that’s really gonna muddy the waters.
My vote’s for either vacuum cleaner attachments or old batteries. I barely know the appropriate uses and contexts for all these vacuum cleaner attachments, some future guy with presumably no foreknowledge of our culture or lifestyle doesn’t stand a chance. And if we’re far enough in the future that no record of our way of life remains, I don’t care how much they keep going and going, those Energizers are gonna be dead, and these archaeologists are gonna all be scratching their heads trying to figure out why we have so many random metal cylinders in all different sizes that are, at best, completely inert, and at worst leaking caustic sludge.
No no, see, it’s all pretty straightforward. What’s releasing this week is the first season of the second Daredevil show. Season 1 of Daredevil comes after season 3 of the first Daredevil show, which was actually the fourth season of Daredevil because of the mini-series that takes place between seasons 2 and 3, but they didn’t call that one Daredevil.
So in summary, this is the fifth season of Daredevil overall but it’s the first season of the second Daredevil which comes after the third season of the first Daredevil which was actually the fourth season of Daredevil if you count the one that wasn’t Daredevil that came after the second season of the first Daredevil. Also he was in three episodes of two other shows that weren’t Daredevil either and he was in a movie for a little bit, but it wasn’t a Daredevil movie and he wasn’t actually Daredevil, and the 2003 Daredevil movie doesn’t factor into it at all because that’s a different Daredevil, but it is canon to the Daredevil show because a character that wasn’t Daredevil made a cameo in another movie that wasn’t about Daredevil either.
Hope that clears it up!
I assume it’s in reference to the 1938 radio adaptation of the novel The War of the Worlds, which was framed as though it were a legitimate news broadcast being periodically interrupted by reports of an alien invasion. What we might consider “found footage”-style nowadays if there had been, you know, actual footage. Story goes that a non-zero number of people didn’t get the memo that it was a radio play and thought Martians were actually invading.
At least they’re taking credit for something that actually happened this time, I guess.