11 days agoSnapping sounds like a real faff.
Keep them all in a special plastic box that is inside a powerful electromagnet.
Push button and a field that is strong enough to damage the cards almost instantly and over a short time would generate enough heat to physically damage the cards.
With enough power and time you could turn them into one hot blob that wouldn’t even be recognisable.
So near instant data damage and then physical destruction probably before someone can work out what’s going on.
The major issue I had with this is that it plays into the alpha male misogynistic ideal of strength.
Some of them will almost certainly see it as a badge of honour. That they are so dominant that some stupid women (their opinion) will misinterpret that and get into trouble with a bear.
I was trying to come up with a way to rephrase it.
Something like would you rather be alone with a man or separate but you both have to eat a bowl of dog shit.
If women choose the bowl there are nasty consequences for both and it’s clearer they would rather deal with that than the man.
Nowhere near as catchy though…