Maybe a bird… Wait a minute! Supposing two swallows carried it away together?
Maybe a bird… Wait a minute! Supposing two swallows carried it away together?
Or if there are multiple holes in the walls shine a laser though the holes to get the butt plug trajectory.
Here here! stomps cane
I just made pasta, a nice al fresco, with penne noodles and garlic cream sauce. Throw in some mushrooms and cherry tomatoes and it pairs nicely with a bottom shelf tequila mixed with redbull in an 2 to 1 ratio, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE! hits chest audibly
Furry blankets. Great advances have been made in blanket technology in the past few years. Buy a couple synthetic microplush blankets that feel like rabbit fur and cocoon yourself in them. Always helps me. Even if that doesn’t work for you, have hope! There is the hope that blankets may be even softer in the future.
Also, have you tried mushrooms?