Why would the stove be so cold?
Why would the stove be so cold?
My hope is america collapses directly thanks to trump, showcasing to the rest of the world that populist parties are very bad
I get it, everythin is bad cause your standard for success is impossibly high. Congrats you won internet argument and are most humanitarian or whatever.
Switzerland, Finland, Australia.
Hi, imma let you finish but just real quick. Laws are laws only if they are enforced. Alrite, take care fella.
After that
Just cause usa is fucked up completely doesn’t mean every other country is. left, centrist and right in most of europe would be categorized as “socialist terrorist group” in the usa.
Wake me when that pussy manages to even speak in his own cabinet meetings without elon interrupting.
if the government is using printer tracking dots or your phone to track you down for participating in a legal, democratic protest, then the time for protest is long over.
You throw water on the oven to cool it down enough so you don’t die. You need to try it.
Americans when they find out they’re 1/823th of a footballfield finnish: “OMG I AM SO DIVERSE! AND NOW A CERTIFIED MINORITY” Americans when they try to do finnish things: “Yeah no this is fake, its not possible for anyone to survive in 230f”
My family prefers 110c but i prefer around 90c as i want to relax and not tryhard.