I never grew past the phase of childhood where kids will be like “oh my God cool shirt we should be friends!” Lol I make a point to do my best never to come across as creepy or predatory (especially given I am physically quite large. Over weight by about 60 pounds, but even at my ideal weight I’d be an imposing figure), but clothing choices are what I notice, just like when I was a kid. I’ll be walking through Walmart and be like “I love your T-shirt!” And the smiles are so amazing. I don’t know why more people don’t do it, it feels so good seeing people get happy, when all I did was say the thing I was thinking already.
A favorite one was a woman in Walmart a few months ago. She was tall, and dressed in, full, hippie gear. I’m talking log flowing earth tones, chunky crystal necklace, an om/aum pendant, peace symbol ear rings, her hair was in this really elaborate braid, the type that looks super simple but probably takes a ton a work, super tall chunky cork platforms… It was like she stepped out of the 60s, but not in a fake way, it was obviously not a costume, either. This these contemporary items that she put together for this look. She looked amazing.
I initially went to compliment the necklace that I really liked, and then took in the whole look and it came out like this:
“I love your ne-- I love your whole freaking vibe!”
She laughed hard and smiled and just looked so incredibly joyful. Then she noticed the two tiny puppies I had and she got the play with puppies for a minute, and it was a rare example of joy in this crushing dystopian world.
I just finished a player of games a few months ago! Someone suggested the series to me here on lemmy (perhaps you? Lol. I never take note of screen names when I should), and I read Phlebas and APoG before I got distracted. It’s so good. Like ridiculously good. Phlebas wasn’t quite my speed, not bad by any stretch, I just found myself wishing for more of what there was little of and less of what there was much of, but APoG was fantastic and exactly what I was looking for!