• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023

  • My parents were away in Flordia visiting some family while they still could so I had the house to myself. It was wonderful. No tv noises, no news, no political talk, no constant misunderstanding/misinterpreting each other. It was peaceful. They got back last Saturday so it’s back to the same old routine.

    I also had a vasectomy while they were gone so it was nice to have some quiet time while I recovered. The pain is practically gone now and soon I’ll forget it even happened. Happy to have gotten it done. Feels like a lifelong weight had been lifted off my back.

    The birds are starting to return. I can hear the mourning doves in the morning now. I’m looking forward to the return of our pigeon family that like to nest in our balcony planters. They’ve been returning for years now and we think the children have also started nesting in our other planters. Thankfully they are super chill around us so they usually just watch us when we are out on the balcony.

  • A while ago I was visiting a friend in Cardiff and on the first night there I ended up talking with a homeless guy. Once he found out where I was from, he began flooding me with his insanely huge knowledge of hockey. Teams, players, years, jersey numbers, winners and losers. I even learned about the The Devils, Cardiff’s hockey team.

    I don’t watch sports unless I happen to be at a bar and it’s on so I had nothing to add to the conversation. I don’t even know how accurate he was but he spoke with so much passion and confidence, I had no choice but to accept his knowledge as truth.

    I hope he’s doing okay now. I also hope he gets to travel and see a north American hockey game live. I can’t think of any words to describe how happy he would be to have that kind of experience.

  • A couple weeks ago I stumbled on to the fact that Docker pretty much ignores your firewall and manipulates iptables in the background. The way it sets itself up means the firewall has no idea the changes are made and won’t show up when you look at all the firewall policies. You can check iptables itself to see what docker is doing but iptables isn’t easy or simple to work with.

    I noticed your list included firewalld but I have some concerns about that. The first is that the firewall backend has changed from iptables to nftables as the default. That means the guide you linked is missing a step to change backends. Also, when changing back ends by editing /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf there will be a message saying iptables is deprecated and will be removed in the future:

    # FirewallBackend
    # Selects the firewall backend implementation.
    # Choices are:
    #	- nftables (default)
    #	- iptables (iptables, ip6tables, ebtables and ipset)
    # Note: The iptables backend is deprecated. It will be removed in a future
    # release.

    If following that guide works for other people, it may be okay for now. Although I think finding alternative firewalls for the future may be a thing to strongly consider.

    I did stumble across some ways to help deal with opened docker ports. I currently have 3 docker services that all sit behind a docker reverse proxy. In this case I’m using Caddy as a reverse proxy. First thing to do is create a docker network, for example I created one called “reverse_proxy” with the command:

    docker network create reverse_proxy

    After that I add the following lines to each docker-compose.yml file for all three services plus Caddy.

          - reverse_proxy
        external: true

    This will allow the three services plus Caddy to communicate together. Running the following command brings up all your currently running. The Name of the container will be used in the Caddyfile to set up the reverse proxy.

    docker container ls --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}" -a

    Then you can add the following to the Caddyfile. Replace any capitalized parts with your own domain name and docker container name. Change #### to the Internal port number for your docker container. If your ports in your docker-compose.yml look like “5000:8000” 5000: is the external port, :8000 is the internal port.

            reverse_proxy DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME:####

    After starting the Caddy docker container, things should be working as normal, however the three services behind the reverse proxy are still accessible outside the reverse proxy by accessing their ports directly, for example Subdomain.domainname.com:5000 in your browser.

    You can add to the service’s external port in docker-compose.yml to force those service containers ports to only be accessible through the localhost machine.


          - 5000:8000



    After restarting the service, the only port that should be accessible from all your services should only be Caddy’s port. You can check what ports are open with the command

    netstat -tunpl

    Below I’ll leave a working example for Caddy and Kiwix (offline wikipedia)

    Caddy: docker-compose.yml

        container_name: caddy
        image: caddy:latest
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 80:80
          - 443:443
          - reverse_proxy
          - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
          - caddy_data:/data
          - caddy_config:/config
        external: true

    Caddy: Caddyfile

    wiki.Domainname.com:80 {
            reverse_proxy kiwix:8080

    Kiwix: docker-compose.yml (if you plan to use this setup, you MUST download a .zim file and place it in the /data/ folder. In this case /srv/kiwix/data) Kiwix Library .zim Files

        image: ghcr.io/kiwix/kiwix-serve
        container_name: kiwix
          - /srv/kiwix/data:/data
        command: "*.zim"
        restart: unless-stopped
          - reverse_proxy
        external: true

    What I’m interested in from a firewall is something that offers some sort of rate limiting feature. I would like to set it up as a simple last line of defense against DDOS situations. Even with my current setup with Docker and Caddy, I still have no control over the Caddy exposed port so anything done by the firewall will still be completely ignored still.

    I may try out podman and see if I can get UFW or Awall to work as I would like it to. Hopefully that’s not to deep or a rabbit hole.