Nah, “trelon” sounds way too cool for them. They don’t deserve that. I’d go with E-lump. It sounds more stupid and revolting (to me at least)
[EDIT] WHOA wait, is that a triple portmanteau of Trump/Elon/Felon?
Nah, “trelon” sounds way too cool for them. They don’t deserve that. I’d go with E-lump. It sounds more stupid and revolting (to me at least)
[EDIT] WHOA wait, is that a triple portmanteau of Trump/Elon/Felon?
Meanwhile conspiracy and conservative subreddits still exist…
Very good point, and I’ve actually always put the voters at the bottom of the barrel of intelligence. Any stupid person could run for government, but it takes some especially fucking stupid people to action vote for them.
Fair. The stupid part is how they’re cheering about all the wrong shit, just like they were previously ranting about all the wrong shit. Fucking zombies
As a Canadian, you realize that we have Maga dipshits up here, and that members of the Canadian conservative governments have been seen sporting MAGA hats? And that the candidate for the federal Conservates was out there supporting the Dipshit trucker convoy? And that he has also suggested ditching CAD for bitcoin?
Our cons are fucking dumb as fuck just like the rest, and we have people stupid enough to want to vote them in. And thanks to FPTP and 3 parties, they often stand the best chance of winning because the right don’t have anybody to split the vote like the left does.
I only apologize to allies. I have a bountiful field of "fuck off"s to give to fascists, though.
You kinda gotta set a lot up in the config files. I’d suggest using waybar along with it. Waybar will give you the stuff at the top - desktops, battery, whatever.
I don’t really have any guides - I kinda just did some googling for existing dotfiles and went from there. GPT may be able to help you a bit, too.
Considering how they typically can’t shut the fuck up about 2A, yet here we are - the very type of scenario why that exists and they’re radio silent…
Cool, so we up the cost of the goods until April, then we lower them so the Americans still pay the same but we say we’re giving them relief since the cost would be even higher, otherwise lol.
Trump’s not saying he’s canceling them, he’s just pausing them. Why reward this bullshit baby behaviour?
Conservative voters are the dumbest fucking things, I swear. They go on about patriotism, yet want nothing more than to watch the downfall of their countries. Pathetic.
They bought it in the 80s? I’m curious about their time machine.