Then maybe check your own lemme usage? Sounds very much like a personal problem. Also if it’s not about this post in particular then why say anything at all?
Then maybe check your own lemme usage? Sounds very much like a personal problem. Also if it’s not about this post in particular then why say anything at all?
He’s hardly lowered the quality with this post, it’s both fun, and a true satirical look of our past. If you can’t see it for that, then maybe it’s time to look inwards and loosen up.
“I have a black friend therefore I’m not racist” “I have a trans friend therefore I’m not transphobic”
Highlighting the fact that you’re “totally not homophobic” just makes you look exactly that, like you’re “just asking questions” as many other bad actors do.
It’s disappointing that these are the views of the uplifting community moderators.
Then grow up and block him.