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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2024


  • I find it amusing that you virtue signal in other threads but when someone complains that capcom is precluding a significant portion of MH fanbase for lacking a modicum of technical dedication you retort with some carpe diem bullshit. If I didn’t know better I’d wager you’re from the US, that “fuck you, I got mine” attitude is quite prevalent overseas.

  • It’s on PS plus before 6 months, that should be all the red flags you need not to waste your time.

    The writing is atrocious, the art style is atrocious (personal opinion), the only saving grace is technical execution, the final product is very polished in terms of bugs, stability and performance.

    Old fans dislike the game because all decision making has been removed from the player and it’s a dumbed down fantasy RPG. The combat is so incredibly pared back that you could play it with touch controls (now that it has completed the transition to an action game). It’s not a dragon age game in everything but name. They butchered the game to please the fortnite generation, but no amount of skibidi will bring those players to dragon age, meanwhile the original fans were left behind and consequently opted to play far better games instead, like Baldur’s Gate 3. Bioware is pretty much running on name recognition alone, any talent that existed there has long left the company.