I wouldn’t say I think I’m immune simply that it generally works in the opposite direction.
Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮💨
I wouldn’t say I think I’m immune simply that it generally works in the opposite direction.
If you have to ask yourself “would showing this to hr get me fired?” Then it’s nsfw.
That’s the whole point of the tag. Explicit content. Be it porn, gore, or just an explicit image, it needs a nsfw tag.
My real issue is when it’s misused just so people click to see the image and it’s not nsfw at all.
Maybe it’s because I’m autistic but that has the opposite effect on me. If I see your ad enough to remember the product that just means I’m going to avoid that product like a fuckin plague.
Because good natured people don’t want conflict so they avoid it.
Bad natured people actively seek conflict and engage with it whenever possible.
Evil never sleeps. Peace does.
My guy there’s literally big ol anime tiddies in this image. It’s nsfw.
You wanna slap a nsfw tag on this?
You should also Luigi anyone you know who voted for Trump. They are directly responsible for everything currently happening and do not deserve to feel safe.
Edit: Sorry I have no sympathy/empathy for those that voted for Trump. They knew exactly what they were voting for and now we all have to pay for it. They don’t care if people die as long as they get what they want. Fuck em.
wild eyed
Fuckin what?
“Treat people how you want to be treated”
I want to get hit by a bus so I don’t think that’s the way either.
I gotta say my takeaway from this is completely different than anyone else’s.
Why the fuck would you continue having kids when you know being pregnant causes severe medical issues?
I honestly wish I could understand the drive to procreate despite knowing that doing so could fucking kill you
Didn’t they already release this???
There was a whole list.