you, me, gas station
you, me, gas station
perhaps if you spell it SOCK5
what the fuck? no, that’s lewd, you disgusting pervert!
…would you wear a collar and a skirt?
but more seriously, and apologies for the wall of text and being a bit personal:
This is something that drives me up the wall, idk if i’m just poisoned by heteronormativity but i’m sooo sensitive to masculinity, if my lizard brain detects too much masculinity and not enough femininity it just vetoes things entirely and slaps me across the face for daring to traumatize it so.
But at the same time i really find the concept of someone with a dick appealing! And i even like the absence of either masculinity or femininity as well!
It’s kind of maddening. I think the 2 main things that prevents the instinctive rejection is absence of body hair and having both muscle and a lot of body fat, because somehow big buff hairless gym guys are just kind of neutral to me, i don’t particularly want to snog them but i also don’t find them gross in a sexual context.
TL:DR: i’d hope so but i couldn’t make any promises 😭
ah right, so you can put off drinking the stuff for longer, makes sense!
you mean if you don’t add hops it’s actually malty and enjoyable? wow, now i hate beer even more!
but on the flipside the value-add from adapting maid outfits to hulking frames is massive like who doesn’t want to play a barbarian in a tiny maid outfit?
i believe it but i think people vastly overstate the degree to which it’s true, it’s not like it completely changes how you think, every language just has some different quirks to it. I mean look at the language people adopt in places like hong kong to avoid censorship, you can communicate basically anything no matter how limited your language is, you just need some time to develop a shared understanding.
blowing americans away with the massive gusts of wind eminating from the car’s massive nose
and indeed that’s literally the whole point of beer, and since both beer and bread uses yeast you can use the same yeast for both, efficient!
i mean, all beer does lol
fuck knows why you’d add bittering agents to a beverage, like mmm yes today i want to drink something poison flavour
international phonetic alphabet
i think when organizations get this big they just can’t be 100% evil all the time, at some point someone will manage to make a good decision and it’ll just slip through the machinery
pen ink manufacturers have already sent out a defence force to guard OPs home
i like my hair so i have no experience, but i’d hope it’s all pretty identical at this point. Maybe just ask at the apothecary?
blinking in morse code
fwiw there’s hair removal creams that straight up fucking DISSOLVES the hair, it won’t remove it forever but it’ll have to grow back from the follicle so you’ll be hairless for a lot longer than with shaving.
also epilators that physically yank the hair out of the follicle, if you don’t mind it hurting a bit…
"this too shall pass
but uhhhhhh hey guys maybe we can do something to make it pass a bit quicker and with less fire and brimstone and needless suffering? like, this is pretty shit, i feel really bad about just ducking down and waiting for it to end"
asians 🤝 nordics
stop using our writing willy nilly because it looks cool, it’s physically painful to read it