Vergisst auch nicht auf den Bundesrats-Adler
Vergisst auch nicht auf den Bundesrats-Adler
Agreed. I think a battle-worthy printer shouls be able to use pen ink. They are both intended for printing on paper after all. For most people who have no reason to buy 2 different inks, the limitations of using pen ink in a printer should do.
😬 klingt echt schmerzhaft
Ironically, Hungary, which hasn’t switched prime minister in 15 years, is higher than Romania on this index. So take from that what you will.
Nudel, wo bist du?
Edit: welche
Well observed. People pour a lot of energy into political actions. The question is what that energy gets used on.
Now that Elon’s done it it seems to have become a meme and all of the wannabe Elons are doing it 🙄
In my slavic language we have Pepek
*Rheinmetall noises*
Hör mal auf, diese life-hacks werden schon gefährlich gut!
I think you are misinterpreting this. He is cosplaying a snail