That’s the thing about abusive relationships, when you’re in them long enough you’re often manipulated to the point where the abuser makes you think your actions are the problem. Making me question reality, and myself was her modus operandi. Looking back yeah, there were plenty of red flags, but I also had such a low opinion of myself I accepted the kind of relationship I felt I deserved, until she pushed me past my breaking point. Having a kid also complicated matters; seemed like that was a major turning point in her narcissistic abusive descent. Then you sprinkle on a little sunk cost fallacy and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
It’s less complicated than even that, it’s about real estate value, which is where McDonald’s corporate arm really makes it’s money. It’s easier to sell a full gray box than one that is so obviously a McDonalds in a past life. Same thing has happened with Pizza Hut, they don’t build them with the classic roofline anymore.