The question seems open to interpretation (which is bad for surveys like this).
If I visit a location that was the site of a mass shooting a few years later, have I been “physically present on the scene of a mass shooting”?
I think you could reasonably answer yes: you’ve been to the physical place where it happened, even if not at the time it happened.
You’re probably not going to save 95% of the trees given the major earthworks likely needed for managing sewage, stormwater, and other utilities. You’ll probably save most of them, though.
40k looks pretty optimistic for the size and number of buildings, too.
I am confused. Ground slots and tilted floor indicate this is some kind of cable car or funicular, but there’s electrical catenary too?
Lots of places also have variable limit signs that get updated based on traffic, accidents etc.
Here in NZ those seem to all be marked on the speed limit maps as 100km/h even if in some places the signs never go above 80.
Ngauranga Gorge is one such location and I believe has the country’s highest grossing speed camera.