Quick Google
In 2024 36% of Germans reported using the car daily.
In 2023 95.3% of Americans older than 16 drive on occasions.
83 million Germans, 63% above 16
340 million Americans, 65% above 16
52 million potential drivers in Germany, 17 million actually drive
221 million potential drivers in America, 210 million drive daily
17 million vs 210 million daily drivers
~12x more drivers, only 2x more death
Per capita isn’t really a way to look at it
Besides automatic cars or lack of a manual transmission is not causing accidents.
Chance of death goes up significantly with speed
No one has ever crashed because they couldn’t go over the speed limit
Well you can start driving in US at 15
Like I said quick Google
Even less Germans driving, proves my point more
Germans only really drive if they are willing and able
Americans are forced to drive
Car deaths in America aren’t happening because they have automatic transmissions and can’t drive as fast as they want.
Just the seer amount of drivers, more cars on roads to crash into, and less willing and able drivers.