My riding has been conservative for decades, so I get to vote for whoever I want. Not that it matters. :\
My riding has been conservative for decades, so I get to vote for whoever I want. Not that it matters. :\
Thank you! I love yours. I want to make a fancier one like that eventually but I keep making clothes.
Going on Canadian TV and saying that “everything is up for negotiation” when it comes to what Canada is willing to discuss? And Barton just sits there saying “I have no opinion”?!
Maybe I’m turning into a conspiracy theorist but I feel like Trump and team have been making personal threats against our (Canadian) politicians. The way they come out of those “meetings that are better kept private” (paraphrasing Dominic LeBlanc) make me uncomfortable. Something feels off. Totally not unlikely that I’m just being paranoid, but idk. I wouldn’t put it past Trump to operate like a mob boss.
I crocheted a flag blanket. It’s not a cheap or easy solution but here’s the pattern I followed if anyone is interested. I have no plans on selling any unless someone wants to pay me $500 (which I hiiiiiiiighly doubt).
You should be fine just leaving out the syrup. There is plenty of food for the yeast in the flour itself. You might want to add a bit more milk or water if the dough comes out a little dry.
analogue entertainment and cable TV instead of Netflix and Spotify
I’ve been trying cbc gem for streaming and it’s not been bad. It’s worth checking out.
I read once that kids believe things they overhear more than the things that they are directly told and have been trying to do this ever since.
Did those kids also vote for Trump and choose to be famous
Yeah that face says it all. Thank god I’m not famous.
My kids had that toy and now its song is stuck in my head.
Oh I vote every election.