That is what she says. But wouldn’t you keep such a “genius” closer? Maybe there is more to it. Different ideas what severance could be used for.
That is what she says. But wouldn’t you keep such a “genius” closer? Maybe there is more to it. Different ideas what severance could be used for.
It depends which feeling you seek. I first read American Psycho and many years later Lolita. I had similar vibes: unreliable narrator, a man who thinks he stands above all, justifies his actions etc but is one 100% awful an all levels. Long passages of “nothingness” numbing you and you might just slip over the real horrors, cause they are hidden between the lines before they become real actions. If I had to choose one, I would pick Lolita in terms of: which book made you feel worse. I like both books a lot, not that I seek to read them again anytime soon, but I also “enjoy” the strong emotions they cause. I love to hate the person they describe. I am open to any suggestions too.
There was a blood drawing scene and they used BD consumables. I would have fucking loved to see it being Lumon branded.
I have so many questions. If Cobel is that kind of a mastermind, why isn’t she higher up in the company? I feel like she must have done something to be degraded to manage MDR. But we get a little bit more insight into the child labour. Ms Huang must be in a similar fellowship. I don’t know if Cobel will be a reliable help to Mark. Was she in charge of having them meet?
Es gibt noch ein unfassbare gutes Heilmittel und es kostet dich fast Nix: Zeit. Irgend was wird sich schon geändert haben. Wir wissen, dass Homöopathie nicht wirkt und randomisierten doppelt verblindeten Studien haben das oft genug gezeigt.
Es ist leider ein Trugschluss zu glauben, dass es die Globolis, die wirken wenn sich was ändert, wenn man nur seinen eigenen Erfahrungen folgt. Du hättest in deinem Text auch beten einsetzen können. “Wirkt” bei vielen bestimmt auch.