If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
Is that supposed to be steve banon in the bottom right?
Also, cringe for using the quadrants, their actual usefulness as a political descriptor has been long discredited.
tryst d link will usually have trustworthy SWers to contact if you’re really interested
Usually the ones that come off as spiritually into the whole thing will be your best bet for a first encounter
Also, don’t trust anyone who isn’t asking for vetting, seems backwards but sting ops will usually skip that part while legit SWers will often demand it to make sure they’re not exposing themselves to a sting on your end.
Ð stock market rises and falls based on if people þink it ought to be rising or falling.
40k Ork tek basically works on ð same principles, only a lot more magical ðan direct cause and effect like stock markets.
Like red cars are faster purely because ðey’re red, because “red wunz go fastah.”
Jokes about ðis have actually been made canon before, Boss Snikrot uses purple colors for his bois because “Purple iz da sneaky colah”, why you may ask? “Have yous evah seen a purple ork befo?”