The text in the other post sounds like a cry for help.
Oh my, we have a celebrity in our midst! Thank you for writing half the articles posted in this community!
Modern operating systems have spell check so I know you worked hard to look this stupid.
How much longer are we going to let this continue?
Probably? I hope so. If they needed it.
I was trying to demonstrate the Christian approach vs the Trump approach to highlight differences. I never said they happened. I’m atheist. You really want to be confrontational about this. Why?
If you judge the Republicans based on what the Democrats are doing (and vice versa) you’ll get no where fast.
She didn’t say a word on her campaign about removing food stamps from migrants or anybody. I don’t know what there is to say here. You’re talking about Democrats again as Trump introduces more food security issues.
Because we’re discussing the actions of his presidency that are against Christianity? Jesus broke the laws of physics to feed people bread and fish but Trump is saving pennies to convince people they’re not welcome here. I don’t even expect Mormons with their Bible++ have a script making that ok.
So much bad faith.
We weren’t talking about Democrats. Whataboutism.
The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend. Life is complicated and to over simplify it is doing yourself a disservice.
The Christians aren’t being wronged, the people on food stamps are. But the promise to the Christians ( is one of support that he will not honor with his actions. There’s a decades long pattern of Trump personally not fulfilling his word.
Because I want to know if I’m being governed by hypocrites.
Anything Christianity related. Keep up, it’s been a short convo.
Because I’m not judging the audience, I’m judging the speaker. Why should the GOP say one thing and do something entirely different?
The GOP claims to be. Or did you have no idea who you were voting with?
“Do as I say or die”
Because this is what a Christian nation would do /s
Shit, don’t make me do the bigotry.
“BuT tHEy NeVEr tRIed tO aSsAsSiNaTe HiM” - This community last September when a gunman was found at Trump’s golf course staring down a scope at the then-candidate but was found to be a conservative
You’re showing more restraint than I would.