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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024

  • Well, I’ve now thought for that past two adminstrations that nothing meaningful can be done long-term until private money can be removed from politics altogether. To speak pragmatically, as you point out people want “gotta make ends meat” policy that impacts them meaningfully and immediately… and that’s gonna take a lot more than some $1000 one-time tax-credit.

    Arguably, I’ve transcended “frustration”, though and I’m no longer convinced the Democrat party does anything but act as the controlled opposition party that is meant to crush any sort leftist movement. I sincerely doubt they will ever meaningfully address campaign-finance again in my life. The half-measures that they are known for are no longer adequate, but as long as they hold primaries I will cast my vote even though the establishment has already picked someone else. -A democratic system, indeed.

    Here’s pragmatic, democratic Idea: Host all primary votes on the same day.

  • Okay, person who admit’s to posting “stupid shit”

    “President Macron is correct, according to Kiel figures. But they suggest President Trump also has a point; the US has sent more grants, while the EU sent more loans. However, again, there are different figures out there.” -Per your article

    First, the source you provided isn’t as clear-cut as you seem to think it is, unless you want the U.S. to engage in even more profiteering off of this proxy-war by increasing loans.

    Secondly, I’m not opposed to spending less money to continue this war, so sending me articles claiming that the EU debatably spends more then the U.S. to perpetuate this war does nothing but make me feel okay about our decreasing involvement. -You guys seem to be making continued and exaggerated inferences about my position on this matter even though i’ve clearly stated my motivations for this position in other comments under this same thread.

    GTFO, Warmonger.

  • “Have you forgotten the social and political unrest Russia has caused in our country? Are you unaware of the money and personnel they invest into destabilizing our country? Should that just go completely unanswered?”

    you overestimate the influence russia previously had in our country while simultaneously underestimate the impact of americas history on my own fellow Americans as well as the rest of the world.

    Do you seriously think we don’t invest money and personnel in destabilizing russia?

    I also didn’t say to eliminate support, but we shouldn’t be leading this charge

    “Do you seriously think we should only concern ourselves with Mexico and Canada or something?”

    I seriously think we should do what our fellow NATO countries have been doing the past 8 decades and start focusing our attention on improving living conditions at home instead of constantly spending absurd amounts of money to perpetuate this infinitely growing war machine that claims to hold other countries to standards that it can’t even hold itself to.