For as much schadenfreude as I get every time I see these articles, it seems like I have seen this same headline (or variations of) for over a year or two. It is hard to say how much of this is Russia digging in a hole to prop its self up and continue seeing this headline, or if these headlines are simply predicting it too early without a total picture.
Either way, they are economically fucked independent of ending the war today or a few years from now. And they deserve it in every way.
For as much schadenfreude as I get every time I see these articles, it seems like I have seen this same headline (or variations of) for over a year or two. It is hard to say how much of this is Russia digging in a hole to prop its self up and continue seeing this headline, or if these headlines are simply predicting it too early without a total picture.
Either way, they are economically fucked independent of ending the war today or a few years from now. And they deserve it in every way.