• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Tone of voice makes a difference. The scarf and especially the bag aren’t associated with body parts, which is better when it’s a man to women. He should compliment men as well. As a woman, I can say “Cute shoes!” without coming off fetishy, might not be so easy for a guy. Also, guy to guy, “wow, looks like you could run so fast in those shoes!” could be nice and funny, but frightening guy-to-girl. Sadly, a young woman can hardly compliment a young man without risking him hearing “I will fuck you” instead of whatever she really said. And being angry because she “led him on.” But now I’m old, I can. Still keeping it uncreepy of course, because most young guys don’t want to feel leered at by saggy old ladies. Always keep the power/age/gender dynamic in mind and imagine being the other before opening your mouth.

  • Cool, but for a different kind of victory, go for the slow deliberate blink. And hold it closed for a second before opening. To a cat this says, “I’m so not scared of you I can close my eyes.” Which translates to “I like you and we can trust each other, in this moment at least.” Try it a couple times, see if you can get them to blink back.

  • Regular old coil electric stoves will be fine with, for instance, your old rough-bottomed cast iron pan. And despite no flame, the coils glow red hot like a horseshoe at a blacksmith’s, to hit that emotional spot.

    There is a little learning curve: they heat up and cool down more slowly, which can be a plus if you work with it.

    Note: If you have spilled, especially grease, be sure to lift the whole stovetop to clean underneath, nobody taught me that at first.

  • Maybe it’s time for people to start submitting Opinion pieces detailing how we can use the free market to make companies regret discontinuing their DEI programs or Pride merchandise, or telling how bodily autonomy and control over one’s reproductive equipment is a central pillar of personal liberty.

    Editing to add: in the event your submission is rejected, consider adding an opener such as: “This article was rejected by The Washington Post despite meeting their criteria of focus on the free market (or personal liberty).” And then submitting it to one or several of their competitors. Even the ones that aren’t any better, pitting their competitive instincts against their conservativism.