Yea, no worries! The app I use highlights new users, so I figured you hadn’t run into enough .ml trolls to make the connection yet. Hope you have a great Lemmy experience going forward!
Yea, no worries! The app I use highlights new users, so I figured you hadn’t run into enough .ml trolls to make the connection yet. Hope you have a great Lemmy experience going forward!
You see how their username ends in Lemmy.ml? That entire instance is full of trolls and pro Russia/anti US bots. Blocking and ignoring is the universal suggestion, otherwise you’re gonna have a bad time. There are quite a few on non-Lemmy.ml instances, but blocking that is a good start. Feel however you want about the US, but they legit hate individual Americans and support the Russian state. The Russian state is corrupted (just like the US now, thanks Russia!), but individuals from either country do not represent the state as a whole, and the amount of Putin simping they do is egregious.
I think she’d be a great choice but we need a white guy to run. I hate to say it, but we need every advantage possible, and being a white man is an advantage. Maybe an AOC VP makes sense, but I’m very worried that the there’s at least enough truth to the racism/sexism claims about last year and I am sick of gambling peoples futures on candidates we know are going to struggle.
I think the issue is the “random” part of it. If I had a back and forth with someone on a gaming or LGBT or political organizing community, and the exchange was pleasant and they wanted to chat more, I wouldn’t be opposed, but if I’ve never interacted with someone and they are essentially spamming any and everyone the same copypasta, yea that’s not someone I want to interact with. Shout out to lemmings that help with Linux too.
Honestly, everything causes vulnerable people to suffer. Voting (which everyone should do) clearly does nothing substantial, revolution has never been a safe path regardless of if the revolutionaries win, and accelerationism makes things worse in basically the same way a revolution does, but at least people aren’t pointing at revolutionaries as the problem when accelerationism happens. I think we’d all much prefer being able to snap our fingers and making the world perfect, but it looks like the world chose accelerationism all by itself. Certainly wouldn’t have been my first choice.
Because it’s not about helping people. If it was, putting someone on your insurance wouldn’t be a thing in the first place. It’s about reinforcing a nuclear family. You and your brother (hopefully) aren’t planning on making babies, so the government isn’t getting anything from investing in you. I mean, we know they are, but that’s not how they think.
For what it’s worth, I think marriage as an institution makes sense, seeing as it serves to predesignate a person as an emergency contact/inheritor. It also protects people that would otherwise need a bespoke contract for things like stay at home spouses.
It’s unclear to me how that happens. Don’t they officially adjourn? Why are people going home when there’s a government takeover and the day has not officially ended?
Really wish/hope that’s the case, but if there was an equivalent white guy, I don’t think I’d chance it. It might be that AOC is such an exciting candidate it overshadows any race/gender issues, and I’d love that, but I think a primary will help answer that. Maybe not even the winner, since who knows what the party will do to put their finger on the scale, but a primary will definitely show who’s energized the voters. Fingers crossed we get elections next go around.