Chicuahtli isn’t mythical, it’s the Nahuatl word the barred owl. I’ve found a lot of online and books that will interchange the barred owl for a barn owl, but the barn owl in Nahuatl is chichtli.
Edit: didn’t realize it was you anon! Sorry we’ve had this conversation like 3 times now.
Think of it in terms of bat, vampire, vampire bat, and Dracula. There are bats, vampires can turn into bats, and Dracula is a lord of vampires. Not all bats are the species vampire bat and usually you wouldn’t go around calling bats Dracula (unless you’re in a situation involving vampires and/or you’re hunting Dracula). Dracula can turn into other forms other than bats.
When Teotl shapeshift they turn into forms of specific animals known to the indigenous people. The core important animal forms get names (like a Dracula) while they are in that form and are considered gods themselves. As far as I’m aware there isn’t a specific owl deity or at least I haven’t found a reference yet.
As far as my posting history is concerned, I’m both a hermit in cyber and meat space.