You backpedalled the opposite of that. After realising you’d gone too far.
You backpedalled the opposite of that. After realising you’d gone too far.
Right, you insinuated psychosis and then changed it to a nonspecific accusation of mental illness
See, that’s another contradiction. First you accuse me of psychosis and say my disbelief in reality is mental illness. But now you’re saying it’s all intentional, I’m not experiencing a different reality than you, I’m just lying about it to try and make you think you’re crazy. Sorry, but wouldn’t the person who called me mentally ill for disagreeing be the one who’s trying to convince me I’m crazy? You know, the definition of gaslighting? Wouldn’t you be the gaslighter for telling me I’m psychotic?
No, it means you’re being inconsistent. A day ago you said if I didn’t experience the same reality as you, if I thought reality wasn’t real (objective), I must be mentally ill. How do you square this contradiction?
I know we don’t experience the same universe. But realists won’t accept that fact.
An objectively extant universe which we experience
It’s someone who believes in reality. That’s not you?
Good thing it’s not a lie then. You’re a religious realist.
You have a religion.
It’s a screenshot of you saying people who disagree with your religion are mentally ill, because realism is your religion. The absolute lack of critical thinking is astonishing.
lies lies lies yeah
You literally said that me not sharing your religion is a symptom of mental illness. You don’t accept reality? If that’s true, you’ve done a great deal of personal improvement in the last day. Maybe you’re ready to give up realism.
You’re a realist. You worship reality. It’s only been said a dozen times in this thread. You’re just denying that you’ve heard it like you deny the rest of science.
Use google yourself, realist evangelical. The evidence against your religion is overwhelming. The rest of us aren’t responsible for educating you out of your religion.
Hey look it’s the entire fields of psychology and sociology disagreeing with you. Because you’re a religious fundamentalist with anti-science spiritual views.
Insulting someone by insinuating psychosis. You religious fundamentalists are all the same.
There’s no such thing as real human beings, humanity is a social construct.
I thought we were talking about Discworld.
@Darkenfolk@dormi.zone is from dormi.zone, the warframe instance. I was talking to Darkenfolk in language I knew they would understand.
Very hard to believe you’re an atheist when you go around charitably reinterpreting words like the most racist megapastors.