you’re missing the point of the meme. It’s showing you how republicans can’t be consistent even within their own reasoning system. And it is shocking how easily all of logic is discarded if the right people are promised to be hurt.
you’re missing the point of the meme. It’s showing you how republicans can’t be consistent even within their own reasoning system. And it is shocking how easily all of logic is discarded if the right people are promised to be hurt.
all well and good but there is one aspect which i disagree. Modern supply chains are an inefficient way to organize our economies. We are destroying flora and fauna at great speeds in the name of maintaining modern supply chains and convenience. We should not consume things which are not able to be produced sustainably and that means only having things that are produced locally.
World spanning supply chains are a symptom of greed, war-mongering, and anti-sustainability. they are world devouring activities.
pray tell me how would you change the name in every script of an automation system that refers to master? Remember, you have to justify the time and cost to your manager or director!
these greedy assholes colluded to short NAND and RAM supply. Now let them eat shit