I just commented this to some other person here. I’ll paste my answer; I hope that’s okay.
China, India, Peru, and Mexico, to name a few, have deeper and larger canyons. A similar one to the Grand Canyon is the Copper Canyon. It is located in Chihuahua, Mexico. It is four times larger and almost twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. It has many tourists’ activities, and you can even add other destinations to your journey if you visit it by train. It is a nice option while we all wait for the end of the almost-fascist/probably-fascist situation in the U.S.
I love rainy and cold weather, but it’s a little obvious now that autumn and winter are bad months for me, while I thrive in spring and summer. I wish it was the other way around because I expect autumn and winter with such joy. In addition to the weather, I love the festivities around death and darkness, the winter reunions, and I have important birthdays in those months. But almost every year I spend these holidays/celebrations with some apathy. My writing slows down. I sleep more, eat more, but it’s nowhere as enjoyable as in spring and summer. So I can imagine that some people feel energized in the all-year-round hot places. Silly, but even if my body is healthy, I do not like spring and summer. I hate the clothing, I hate sunburns, I hate to feel thirsty… But at least I get the energy to hate and rant about it and not just shrug. It feels better. I should be thankful for the light and warmth, and I’m trying to like these seasons a little bit more.