This feels a bit extreme. I have been to the protests since he took office but they require that I take off work and I have a wife and 2 children to provide for so until war breaks out I can’t drop everything to fight these assholes. I understand your anger but it’s not fair to say I’m on his side just because I’m not protesting in the streets 24/7. The problem isn’t just this president or the backstabbing of our allies because despite all of that the billionaires and mega corps are doing just fine while we fight amongst ourselves. The world as a whole has allowed this concentration of power that is the driving force behind all of this.
I’m sure at every chance you have “burned the house down”. You know where I would be if I tried to burn the house down? Jail or dead while my family remains to see my story not even make the news. You talk real tough but that’s the easy part. Maybe if a war breaks out you can show everyone how it’s done. Also you’re crazy if you think anyone on my side is going to fight for Donald or Vlad. Like I said I understand your anger and trust me when I say I feel it too.