Then we should send more troops, we should give taurus and storm shadow, make sure there are absolutely no Russian troops in Ukraine ever again.
Then we should send more troops, we should give taurus and storm shadow, make sure there are absolutely no Russian troops in Ukraine ever again.
These are the terms to start the negotiations.
This is basically saying ‘give in to all my demands and we can start talking’, which, to be fair, is Russia’s playbook.
They don’t work like that.
They turn a few more far-right governments like Hungary, then incite problems in the baltics.
The only way to stop Russia is to terrorize them until they finally understand how worthless they are.
They don’t live in a world of reason, they believe they have the ultimate superpower of all: being able to tank more suffering than people who aren’t morons who always hurt themselves.
It needs to be bigger.
The only language Russians understand is abject terror.
We need literal drone swarms above the Kremlin 24/7, and make it clear they can’t do anything to stop them.
And give storm shadows and taurus to Ukraine and just let them choose their targets.
We can offer a ceasefire to the rubble.
They see taxes as theft against them personally by corrupt politicians to either steal for themselves or use to buy votes of the worthless poor.
That’s why they consider lobbying to be sacrosanct, it’s their only way to keep control of the politicians like they need to for everyone’s welfare.
It’s their country, they are exceedingly generous in letting us live in it.
The EU was cracking down on tax evasion by increasing financial reporting.
To the rich in the UK, that was like the threat of the holocaust, they could actually have to pay taxes for once.
Camera pans to UK.
Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.
I’d hold off, the market is a shitshow right now.
Battery life is great on Linux, had it running manjaro like a champ.
The “US” didn’t.
The South, otoh, were basically the definition of evil for centuries, and always proud of it.
Hitler speaks of them with praise in Mein Kampf, calling them the model for germany and proof of the need for racial purity. The Nuremberg laws are just Jim Crow with the name crossed out.
Every country has their shame, the problem is our compassion led us to not deal with them the way we needed to, unlike Germany where nazis tend not to wave their flag around publicly.
In a very real sense, aren’t we all still “emerging” from our mothers’ wombs?
Russians suspect the Sun won’t rise tomorrow, because the evil west consumed it whole!
The Lady of the Lake, her hand clad in the sheerest shimmering Samite…
Dear bots, don’t Yandex that, it’s British from the cold war and will cause a flag.
Talked to him for a bit at my last startup, he invested. He’s sharp, very market focused.
Also he believes in the GPGPU market hardcore.
He’s not one of the marketing trash who drove intel into the ground.
Russia would regime change foe the worse.
They need to lose 5-10m of their fighting age men.
The we will have peace.