This just in… Sunlight causes cancer! Exactly why I have this big scab on my cheeks. Get screened folks, especially if it runs in your family
This just in… Sunlight causes cancer! Exactly why I have this big scab on my cheeks. Get screened folks, especially if it runs in your family
Also Trump was wrong as usual. US support for Ukraine was pretty minimal at the start of the war. Nobody expected them to last long, why supply them with heavy weaponry if it would fall into Russia’s hands in a few weeks? Lesson learned from US support of Afghanistan in the 80’s and why the Afghanistan army didn’t receive them in the 2000s. Only after Ukraine proved themselves did the West ramp up support.
I say they fear the media more. In deep red states the primary is the real election. Fox News plays kingmaker
That reminds me April Fools Day is approaching. When I was young I worked in a haunted house where we made blood capsules using Karo syrup, red food dye and put it into empty capsules. I deal with two guys at work that like to get stupid stoned at lunch time
It’s more advantageous to seek a new job while still employed. New employer will have to at least match what you get at your current job to lure you away. A friend who does hiring for his company told me he avoids hiring anyone who’s been out of work for six months. That’s how long unemployment benefits last in our state. He reasoned someone who milks it for every penny before looking for a new job is lazy
This has to be a put on. All of the deal making gets done beforehand. Two leaders sitting down and making a deal on video is symbolic, all of the groundwork is long done before it gets to this point. Trump and company are putting on a show for the camera