Yeah I’m not sure what the purpose of the comment was. To convince people to continue using gas on the off chance it won’t increase cancer risk? That’s not a compelling reason to use gas. It might not kill me.
Yeah I’m not sure what the purpose of the comment was. To convince people to continue using gas on the off chance it won’t increase cancer risk? That’s not a compelling reason to use gas. It might not kill me.
Because of doom scrolling and 24/7 negative news coverage.
Fact of the matter is it is easier to destroy than create, so if evil was as rampant as people think, we wouldn’t have a society. We’d be living in Mad Max. The vast majority of people want stability.
Did the lady attempt to press charges and fail?
Uh… Used to be, and should be. But the entire industry has embraced treating production as test now. We sell alpha release games as mainstream releases. Microsoft fired QC long ago. They push out world breaking updates every other month.
And people have forked over their money with smiles.
Until this comment, I had no idea that dysphoria was an antonym for euphoria. Yet it makes sense.
Not that I disagree law enforcement needs a lot of fixing, but in this case I have to clarify the facts.
This was not law enforcement, this was private security. Actual law enforcement pulled the private group’s license because of this.
The Democrats destroyed themselves. Constructed opposition at best. Shamefully inept at worst.