• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • The one where DoucheMcBurger tried to claim Data was starfleet’s property and therefore he should be allowed to study his brain so they could make more datas, and Ryker just folded and prosecuted the case like, “hey, he’s my friend, but I’m going to argue to get his brain fried because I’ll lose my job.”

    1. Ryker’s assholishness is on perfect display.
    2. the JAG lady from the station is uterly stupid and fucking incompetent. Basically, in order for the Prime Directive to even be a thing, they would have had to establish a legal test to determine if a species were sentient or whatever. the entire question would have already been settled, and she’d just have to tick off boxes. But naw.
    3. When Ryker detached Data’s hand, Picard should have had Worf detach his hand as a counter argument (and reattached by Crusher.) 3B) when Ryker turned Data off, Picard should have shot him with a phaser, (and maybe have Crusher bring him back. maybe multiple times.)

    also, in Voyager, there’s the entire Year of Hell story arc that just annoys the hell out of me. Classic example of why time travel should be offlimits to any sci-fi writer or producer. (Exceptions exist, of course. Dr. Who… but then time travel is kinda the point there, and it never takes itself seriously.) it’s just too much of a cop out to be like “Oh. we reset the timeline and it’s all good.” Same with that episode where the planet blew up from something and Janeway gets sucked into the past with Paris. (this is where the romance began, probably. and this shit leads to having salamanders for kids…)

    (Trial and Tribulations in DS9 is the rare exception, mostly because it was just a gratuitous nod to one of the best TOS episodes ever.)

  • you mean… such Republican Luminaries™️ like Mitch McConnell? who refused to even hold hearings on Obama’s supreme court negotiations to SCOTUS? ensuring trump had more picks than necessary?

    or Sen. Chuck Grassley, or Rep. Hal Rogers? both of whom bend the knee.

    McConnell has done more to help trump get- and return- to office than any other person alive.

    All three of them started their careers during the reagan era. You act like Trump just showed up and took over. he was a useful patsy to the republican agenda, but that’s about it. Trump is able to do all of this without much (or any) pushback from republicans not because they’re weak and powerless, but because, rather, this is exactly what they’ve been working for.

    Edit: and lets not forget reagan’s “agenda”… limited government, tax cuts, strong national defense, and traditional social values… sound familiar?

  • theoretically? yes.

    several problems.

    Food dehydrators typically apply heat as well, and sometimes significantly higher than a filament dryer.

    Then there’s the cleaning and bacterial contamiation issues- food dehydrators are made to be easily cleaned so as to prevent bacteria doing nasty things to you.

    Then there’s the various resins and solvents that sometimes off gas becoming toxic.

    Microplastics is far down the list if you’re desperate, but it’s there too.

    but otherwise, they’re still basically the same device A heater (maybe) pushing warm(ish) air over something.