I verberally excreted hahas when I saw this
One single HUMAN cell, everyone knows humans are above all animals
Move fast and break things (hopefully they follow court orders)
He look like Luigi if he was from Italy
Let me open up my Linux bible and see if its malicious
Ai shit post*
Some factors here: he’s tall and male so his energy need is greater compared to the latter. Here’s his TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) ( https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=metric&g=male&age=21&kg=60&cm=180&act=1.375&f=2 ). Another factor: if he’s over eating the fat he puts on won’t be visible fat but the fat that insulates the organs.
Remember when Trump said he was going to do this, I do, and he did.
This looked real until I checked the comments