I really enjoyed the Oroville’s multiple takes on the hollo-deck, it’s probably not healthy for you or your relations to get addicted to it
Okay, so the judges have no right to do their jobs.
We’re fucked
Feels like “I live a half kilo at a time” would be excellent.
28% too stupid or uninformed to know what’s going on.
1% very happy.
Northernlion is all audience interaction now.
I found him searching super meat boy when he was about 50 videos into the binding of Issac, I couldn’t stand that games themes at the time, but after he posted the hundredth video or so I decided to give it a shot, it was relatively entertaining and very easy to fall asleep to.
Now he just interacts with his audience, and it’s really not my jive, still subscribed, but haven’t watched a video in probably over a year.
Not trolling, don’t know all the colors, as a cis-het white guy I’m rolling too, even if I don’t get a dice on the shirt (more worried about using die or dice properly without looking it up than being represented as a color on this shirt, but curious about both)
Still no PvE,
Still no reason to have shut down the original
A little more vicious than those little fluffy murder hobos