Indeed, fear no more, thy can live in peace now as the beast was slain by the mighty gaze of a hero.
Indeed, fear no more, thy can live in peace now as the beast was slain by the mighty gaze of a hero.
Thank you. It may be a small victory, but an important one.
I see, a kind of Clarence Thomas type of thing.
I’m not from the US: What happened to Katie Britt, who gave her response to Biden’s State of the Union address from her kitchen? Is she happy now? I mean, not that I wanted to criticize anyone, but that was totally obvious even before the election.
That sounds as if Musk could soon make an offer to take over the company. Then probably also an out-of-court settlement worth some millions so that he can call himself co-founder as usual. Finally, he could speed off into the sunset on a goddamn cyberbike - hopefully never to be seen again.
That’s cute and all, but it’s also pretty much what Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Spotify and all the other tech giants are doing when they’re joyfully tracking what people are doing without their knowledge or consent.
Thanks again, I’ll give it a try.