There is a difference between nsfw drawings and nudes of the actual artist
There is a difference between nsfw drawings and nudes of the actual artist
We both know why you’re here
Because I’m pointing out how idiotic it is to criticise someone based on their age when there is an absolute truckload of valid reasons to criticise them?
At 23 you can hold a security clearance. Being 23 does not make you a liar, security risk or inherently untrustworthy.
At 50 you can be a lying stealing murdering meth addict.
His age is not the problem here.
You are demonstrably wrong. Perhaps there is an issue with your frontal lobes if you cannot comprehend this simple concept.
Criticising the installation of back doors is valid, trying to paint me as not old enough is hilarious and more ageism.
Not only am I old enough, I happen to be a cyber security expert, capable of understanding that a Government department has more than one system, and backdoors to one system does not magically grant access to nukes.
Ageism right here. There is nothing preventing a 23 year old from holding a security clearance and being as trustworthy as a 50 year old.
Yes, that’s how computers work. Like all other depreciating assets.