Unless spectrum pushes some kind of update that reinstall it, you’re okay! The first OS update check if it’s there, if not you’re safe
Unless spectrum pushes some kind of update that reinstall it, you’re okay! The first OS update check if it’s there, if not you’re safe
Epic has a sordid reputation.
I wonder why… Personally, I’d rather pirate than have to deal with them. “Free games” is not enough to forgive what they have done to the PC gaming community. They’re not that epic.
No worries! Note that it doesn’t really uninstall it, I mean it does but the app is still there, available for you to be reinstalled in case it’s an essential app, in that case do:
adb shell cmd package install-existing <package_name>
So save the app package name somewhere. It uninstalls the app for the current user but it’s still available in the system (it doesn’t run if you uninstall it, no worries)
You can. ADB is your friend.
pm list packages | grep '<OEM/Carrier/App Name>'
you can try to see with spectrum
I’ll be honest with you: I suck at naming lol
I’ll grind to unlock that sweet achievement! Thanks
PLEASE POST IT! The classic tutorial meme-ish “Ops I set the value too high”
If you read this: make it a super rare feature that can only happen once if you buy/upgrade it and make some kind of achievement like:
Title: It’s a feature…
Subtext: Ops, I set the value too high
Can I ask you the camera settings? I’m struggling to find this exact view. Thanks!