Red Army Dog Cooper

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2022

  • Oh I am sorry and making smug remarks just so you can pull the “I told you so face” is going to help any thing? First facts and logic is such a meme at this point, because you know it.

    Look if your goal is to do absolutly nothing but feel superior and tout that you where right and trump is bad go for it grind that god damn point into dust and hold your little pattle up at the state of the union adress, and tell me how that goes for you

  • I mean you can call me a centrist that would be wrong. What I am saying is that shaming the rank in file voter is not going to do anything but alianate them. but you do you, take the message of forgivness the post is trying to advocate. You seem to have a fundimental missunderstanding on what the goal is here, While I would agree that the message of this post would not work, I would say that your message is even worse somehow as you are offering no sollution except being even more insufferable.