It could be a misconfigured bios, it could also just be broken. Would it affect you if the 4080 turns out to just be broken?
It could be a misconfigured bios, it could also just be broken. Would it affect you if the 4080 turns out to just be broken?
It would, but Steam only kind of enforces the rule. They seem to enforce the rule if there is a significant and constant history of pricing a game lower on another platform (eg Humble Bundle)
1000-2000 hours in several games. It’s a mix of several reasons:
Some games are more replayable than others. My high-playtime games tend to be roguelikes, played over multiple years
The more you play something, the more of a comfort game it gets. It becomes easier to just play it mindlessly if you just want to turn off your brain
Some games have inconvenient save systems, intentional or otherwise (especially true for roguelikes). This incentivizes you to just leave the game running overnight instead of saving and quitting. Just once and you’re looking at ~20 hours added to your playtime. Rinse and repeat for multiple nights
People say that aiming with bows is easier? What kind of world do they live in?
I’ve shot a decent amount of bows and guns, and guns are far easier to shoot. The difference is that because guns are easier to shoot, there’s a greater expectation of accuracy. Shooting a bow at 30 meters and hitting your target is considered accurate, shooting a gun at 30 meters is considered nothing.
That being said, I still like archery more. There’s just something very personal about the experience of pulling the bowstring and manually making the arrow fly
Even before Trump and Vance lashed out, it was a shitshow. Every time Zelenskyy brought up security, Trump dismissed it because the the minerals were “more important.”
European leaders were certainly watching, and their main takeaway was certainly that Trump can and will sacrifice the security of American allies for money.
Europe and many of the US’s allies had lower military spending and did not to pursue nuclear programs because there was the expectation that the US would help protect these countries. This was exactly the promise that the US gave to Ukraine that got them to give up their nuclear research.
Now that it’s become clear that the US cannot be relied upon for security, many of the US’s allies are certain to start reconsidering their stance on the military and nuclear weapons. As US soft power crumbles, I expect that new, smaller factions will arise to fill the void, and I expect that China will likely try to expand its influence as well.
The paper fan, it’s the most annoying/fun because it’s so easy to stunlock other people
In most native English accents, R is pronounced by curling the tongue very significantly (more than most languages that I’m familiar with). People who aren’t used to this (often people who speak English as a second language) won’t curl their tongues enough, and the partially curled tongue will end up touching the roof of their mouths. This happens to be how you pronounce L, so in these accents, R and L will end up sounding the same.
Try getting into the habit of curling your tongue more when you pronounce R, and you’ll end up hearing a difference
It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s well known that it’s easier to get relevant jobs in certain science fields than others.
Psychology is one of the hardest science fields to get a job in, and it’s also one of the most popular undergraduate majors. Put the 2 together and the end result is that the vast majority of psychology majors end up being unable to find a job in psychology.
impossible odds
Plays games that are literally designed to be possible
In the past, he was a gaming streamer. During many of his streams, his actions and words strongly suggested that he was racist and/or a Nazi. At least once, he was called out for using the n-word (with the hard r). He has never expressed any remorse.
Because of that, many people consider him to be the gateway of the alt-right pipeline. Essentially, children are attracted to his channel for the gaming content, and over time, they are influenced by his behavior to be increasingly accepting of racist and/or alt-right content (after which the YouTube algorithm will then feed them increasingly extremist content)
Since at least several years ago, he retired from his channel, started a family, and moved to Japan (not necessarily in that order). It’s entirely unclear if he’s changed his mind about any of his previous behaviors, and in the absence of any indicators of change, many people take the stance that he probably still is a racist/Nazi