It is time that the world recognized that the USA is just like Russia and China. Never, ever to be trusted. All the pretense has fallen away under Trump but the real America, supported by 70% of its population, is showing its true colours. They’ve bullied their “Allies” for 70 years to be their friends, but they’ve never been a friend back. It’s all been a guise to get whatever they wanted and steal all the riches a country could produce or make other country’s industry beholden to American corporations. While previous American Administrations may have believed in the soft power their approach yielded and understood how it made the USA rich, Trump does not.
70% of American voters allowed Trump to be elected by either voting for him or not voting. Only a minority of 30% tried to stand against him. I hope Trump has a hell of an impact on the 70%. Every one that cries that they voted for him but have lost their job or whatever fully deserve it. Nothing he is doing now wasn’t known before the election. None of it is a surprise. The only surprise is that 70% of Americans supported him destroying their country.