If you’re bored. I’m drunk and will tell you stuff!
The city of Lake Oswego, where this CEO lives in Oregon, gets it’s name from… A big lake. Called Lake Oswego.
Now, Oregon has some fun and cool laws that are fun and cool, like every “navigable waterway” in Oregon, since statehood, must have public access. So for example all of the coastline in Oregon is open to the public, even though it’s windy, cold, and miserable 70% of the year. But in the summer, there’s tons of space to find quiet, beautiful peace.
Lake Oswego, however, is in CONSTANT BATTLE with the state because the city is always trying to find loopholes to privatize the lake to the super wealthy people who live on the lake. Their lawyers, no joke, argues that “the public can see the lake. That’s access”. They even have a fucking stone plaque that says “private lake, stay on the sidewalk” at the adjacent park.
It’s still in court. Right now, people can swim only in one of the parks. So it counts as access. But the people pursuing the most recent lawsuit are kayakers I think. So ongoing?
Anyhow, Lake Oswego is pretty much the richville of Portland, Oregon suburbs and wants to kick out the plebs. Their Target is fancy.
For locals, there’s a bad ass bar there I know the owners that’s fucking great with the best music in the state! Private message for that info. But fuck that city either way. The owners don’t live there.
No idea. Crow bar and toss it in the lake?