There’s a cafe I go to that has a tower and I find Kyoto cold brew tastes better (notes are more prominent) and is noticeably smoother than regular cold brew.
You could argue it’s marginal, but the same could be said for spending thousands on grinders and espresso machines versus a $100 machine and $20 grinder. Everyone’s going to value their workflow differently.
The cafe offers both methods using the same bean of the day so that leads me to believe it’s the process.
I think it’s due to the slightly more active extraction of dripping water but I don’t want to pretend like I fully know so I’ll defer to what I’ve read online.
What does this achieve that a bottle in the fridge doesn’t other than costing 298$ more?
There’s a cafe I go to that has a tower and I find Kyoto cold brew tastes better (notes are more prominent) and is noticeably smoother than regular cold brew.
You could argue it’s marginal, but the same could be said for spending thousands on grinders and espresso machines versus a $100 machine and $20 grinder. Everyone’s going to value their workflow differently.
What effect does that machine have on it though? I wonder if it’s that or the beans.
The cafe offers both methods using the same bean of the day so that leads me to believe it’s the process.
I think it’s due to the slightly more active extraction of dripping water but I don’t want to pretend like I fully know so I’ll defer to what I’ve read online.