Once I bought a set of plants cheaply, but the disadvantage was that even the seller himself did not know the exact names of these plants. Please help me roughly identify the plants in my aquarium if you have free time. :)
I know that there is a bit of Java moss in the upper center.
Other photos:
1- https://pxscdn.com/public/m/_v2/97422265439883264/9da63c77d-bc90ba/2Y7ztxF5OhF5/XatFdsUf93W6m1btC7H3ZDFhFzTAB1RuTO2LYsvt.jpg ^ This one looks like some kind of Vallisneria.
Thanks all for your answers.
2.- I think it is Ludwigia Repens. And it’s across all of aquarium.
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