I’m gathering data for a hobby project and notating where the triangles in the data correspond to Pythagorean triples, but sometimes it doesn’t seem clear to me with certain data.
Can there exist Pythagorean triples in which the leg lengths are not coprime with each other but both are coprime with the hypotenuse? i.e., a right triangle in which (leg1, leg2, hypotenuse) = (a * n, b * n, c), in which a, b, c, and n are whole numbers and n is not a factor of c?
How can I determine if a right triangle with given lengths can scale to be a Pythagorean triple? If any of the values in (leg1: leg2: hypotenuse) are irrational, that does indeed mean the values cannot scale to be whole numbers?
Once it is determined that the triangle can scale to a Pythagorean triple, what is the best method of scaling the values to three whole numbers?
Thanks for any help
Edit: I’ve found an effective way to determine primitive Pythagorean triples from given leg lengths. Using a calculator that can output in fractional form, such as wolfram alpha, input leg1 / leg2 and the output will be a fraction with the numerator and denominator denoting the leg lengths of a primitive Pythagorean triple. Determining the hypotenuse is then simply using the Pythagorean Theorem.