From posts that I’ve read, the Perchance AI Character Char (ACC) will only load Lore files via URL into the main AI character.

Does this mean that it ignores Lore URLs in other characters’ Lore entry box (won’t load them), or appends those URLs as well into the main character’s Lore?

At first, I thought this was an easy fix: in the main character Lore URL box, just enter the Lorebook URLs of all the characters (e.g., “Mike.txt”, “Tim.txt”, etc.) and they’d all get loaded.

However, my best understanding of how Lore is used is that when a user message is formed and sent to the AI LLM, the ACC will (always? occasionally?) select one (or more?) Lore entries at random to help flavor the AI response.

I think this means that if other characters’ Lore is mixed in to a single “pool” of Lore entries under the main character, then for a Tim character reply, the Lore sent over to the LLM could be random picks of from the pool that contains “Mike” lore and “Tim” lore, etc. In other words, flavoring the “Tim” reply with unrelated Lore facts about Mike.

Could someone kindly let me know if my thinking above is valid? Thanks!