First off, because I abused the shit out of my starter over Thanksgiving, I couldn’t use it, so this is the “white bread with poolish” from FWSY. Not my favorite, but it’ll do in a pinch.
Basically, you mix a teensy bit of yeast in with a few hundred grams of a 50/50 water/flour mixture the night before, then follow regular sourdough procedures the next day.
With that said, this crust got really really crisp as you can see. Overall I like it (Don’t tell my mom, but I HIGHLY doubt it’s three hundred bucks better), it’s quite good, though.
Butt, there is one small problem with my shaping technique, as you’ll see at the end of the pictures
The issue in question ^
And some sub buns I made for my wife. First batch was OBVIOUSLY a failure, not sourdough though, so if I must be tarred and feathered, so be it