This has been killing me in Cosmic as I daily drive the alpha–the Alt-Tab functionality up until now has not cycled through most recently focused apps–rather, it has used a static list in the launcher that seems to be based on app launch order.
Not any longer! Two PRs will soon land from wash2, which continues the work of wizznokes (who started on this feature nearly 6 months ago), making recency-based alt-tab work!!
You’d think it’s an easy task, but there are, afaiu several subtle things involved, including the need to create a protocol for cosmic-comp for active workspace combined with active app, so cosmic-launcher would be aware of and able to switch among workspaces, depending on circumstances of the most recently focused app.
I just pulled the branches behind these PRs and compiled and tested. What a beautiful sight to behold! Thank you all who were involved!
While I’m not involved directly with development, if I were to make a guess, I’d think these will reach the staging servers and be released this coming week if you’re following popdev master (sudo apt-manage add popdev:master