This video genuinely came off as satire to me. Like ‘If you spend, $20 more you can reduce the sum total suffering of this animal (before we kill it) while still giving money to us (the very corporations that engage in those practices). That is, if any of these labels even mean anything (which they don’t).’
Like, the premise of, ‘I don’t like it when animals suffer so how can we make them suffer less (while still suffering cuz I like to eat meat)’ is such an morally bankrupt starting point for an argument.
I appreciate that they highlighted the insane cruelty of factory farms on a popular channel but ffs if your going to mention the importance of individual purchasing power in determining market trends and not say ‘You could also, y’know, just not fucking eat animal products,’ then I feel like the arguments you’re making are a bit spineless.
The mussels suggestion is wild to me. I get it, they try to provide a suggestion that’s still technically meat, but mussels are also so much more exotic and presumably expensive than e.g. beans. You can eat beans without converting to full-time veganism.
Felt like they were catering to the most cognitive dissonant people out there
“Imagine if it was a dog!” Bruh, it’s already pretty fucking awful for a pig, I don’t need to imagine puppy mills too
“You love animals, you love meat, both are true” helllll naahhhhh
Shame on Kurzgesagt for whitewashing “family farms”
What’s wrong with family farms?
Death is still painful and premature death years before it would have occurred is still very bad for animals
Sure, but why are family farms more evil then industrial farms?
Nobody said they’re more evil? The point is they’re still bad and the solution isn’t “pay a little for family farmed” (both for animal welfare and environmental reason)
Family farms are in the best position to pivot and react to new market demands, it’s where change will have to start.
It’s a completely unsustainable model. Family farms are a perverse pastoral fetishization of animal cruelty that is incompatable with the fact of continuous population growth.
A farm can produce plants as well as animals - a fully plant based farm can also not be family owned and operated? I agree the world is concentrating into the hands of very few corporations, but I don’t welcome it.