The only thing measured in grams in the US is cannabis.
Oh my god another country calls things different words! How outrageous of them!
That doesn’t stop it from being annoying. I’m not blaming American recipes.
That’s exactly what the title of your post is doing lol
They are annoying, its not their fault.
I get the rocket and coriander ones, also the units of measurement but what do you call a bell pepper? (Also how do you differentiate dried cilantro seed powder from the fresh herb? I like to know if I should be using a spice or the fresh plant)
Just call it a pepper, like “red pepper” or “black pepper” for the seasoning.
There are other kinds of peppers that are those colors, that’s why we use “bell pepper” to refer to the ones that look like bells
If you went to my garden and used my red peppers (serrano) as a replacement for red bell pepper then you’re going to end up with a much spicier dish
I mean, context is also used, a teaspoon of red pepper is likely referring to the seasoning.